Monday, January 7, 2008

Evening Walks

My youngest wanted to go for a walk right before nap. I just couldn't do it because she so needed to sleep. I promised her we would go after dinner.
This time of year, it is quite dark at 6pm. So I got my flashlight and we went for a walk. Since we are in the country, it's easy to see the stars. It was really cool and there were tons of planes flying by. We couldn't find the moon but it was cloudy one side of the sky. Also I couldn't find the big dipper. Usually I can but my oldest kept pointing out things that weren't and I couldn't find where it was after she kept saying "There it is"! I kept explaining to her what it consisted of but it didn't click. Then I couldn't find it! She convinced my brain that it didn't exist. We need a star map.
I wasn't able to find the big dipper but I found a golf ball one of our neighbors hit and couldn't locate. Hey, I may not find things in the sky but on the ground, I'm golf ball queen. I can't help it, it's like I'm drawn to them! It was really lovely and if this warm weather keeps up, we may get to do it again.
We scared our neighbor, she saw the reflective strips on the jackets and thought we were hunters. I thought it was kind of funny. Very short deer hunters. I know kids can and do go hunting but not my girls. Too noisy, animals in a 100 mile radius are thankful for their nonstop chatter.

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