Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day And Finishing Up!

Felt Pencil Rolls
Originally uploaded by catscluttercrafts
Today is a snow day and I though OH NO! I'm never going to get these felt pencil rolls done without the girls knowing! (My youngest already saw the blue one and said it was hers!) Thankfully I agreed to deliver a vase to a customer. Since we are having a snow storm, my husband offered to take it and the girls. Which left me free to finish these. The ones on both ends are for my daughter's and the middle one for my niece. They have their initials on it so there's no trading. Also I gave my youngest the longest ties because she's only 4 and needs some extra help!
I only have one more gift to go and I'm done for the 2008! Seriously, next year gifts are being started during the summer so I have more time to knit socks! Or scarves, or anything I want to!
I have to add that the art caddies that are supposed to hold all the goodies I bought may not be made. Not because of anything we did or did not do but a friend of ours is supposed to cut out the pieces. Unfortunately he has been so sick that he hasn't been to his studio in days! Since it's more of a favor to us, I don't expect him to get them done before his Christmas orders. So the girls may have a late gift coming.
Now I'm off to to wrap gift and work on cards!
**Just wanted to add that my husband got all the way to where the vase was supposed to be delivered and the place is closed.  As he's pulling into the parking lot the radio announces a driving ban for the town he is in!  We try calling the guy and it's his work phone number so there's no answer.  Kind of rude that he didn't call, knowing we were going to drop it off that day!  The shipping address is the same place we tried dropping it off and his voice mail says he won't be in until January 6th.  

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