Thursday, September 10, 2009

What Would You Do?

Originally uploaded by catscluttercrafts
Life has been crazy & busy. I'm driving the family to work and picking them up. My life is now being a taxi! woohoo!!
My daughter has a friend who is 14. I don't really care for her at all! When my oldest was 7 this girl told so many tall tales about how rich she was, had the all the American Girls Dolls, etc.. I could puke but I did talk to her about the lies because my daughter idolized her since she was 3 years older. Being young she was like why would she lie!!! I made the girl cry because I was honest and told her I don't appreciate lying. She did apologize and things were fine.
Now she calls every single day! Since we are all getting up in the 5am hour, I try to go to bed @ 8:30pm. Which means the girls have 6pm & 7pm bedtimes. She always calls right after my youngest goes to bed!
This Monday she came over to our house when I was at work. I received a text from my husband telling me she puked in our hallway. Now when I don't feel well I stay home. If I feel like puking I go into the bathroom and wait it out. She waited until it was too late and my husband had to clean it up! Plus send her home since she didn't get the clue that when you puke in someone's house the right thing to do is apologize & then go home!
She insisted on coming over the next day with another girl asking my daughter to play. My daughter not wanting to catch whatever she had declined. Gotta love school, she blamed her homework. She's been calling & calling. Giving my daughter grief that she won't play with her.
I told my daughter to be honest with her and tell her she doesn't want to play with her right now, after what has occurred. She just told her not to call after 6pm because she's busy the hour before going to bed. The I don't want to take crap from anyone side of me wants to tell her to back off & she's not welcome over here ever again!
But I'm biting my tongue. Or at least trying to.

1 comment:

emma said...

Its such a hard balance as a parent, isn't it. You want to give your child a little bit ore independence every year, so that they are ready face the world when they become adults. But you also want to protect them.
That seems like such a hard situation. I agree that when it starts infringing on the family, a line has been crossed.
It sounds like your daughter is actually doing a good job handing it, though.
My oldest alsojust started high school, but so far everyone seems to feel we are too far away to come to. So no unwanted visitors!
Good Luck!