Friday, July 24, 2009

Don't Let Us Shop For You!

Originally uploaded by catscluttercrafts
I work in a grocery store for those who don't know. I work for 2 departments and the one department is called General Merchandise. When I work there I receive a lot of questions about products we have. Especially in the cold and tylenol section.
I had this gentlemen come up to me and ask if we carried migraine patches. Never heard of them and he didn't elaborate so I sent him to the pharmacy. Well the pharmacist comes back and shows him the tylenol section and asks me if I know where the cooling fever patches are.
Well if he told me that's what he was looking for I would have called the other lady I work with who works full time. Our department gets reset a lot and I knew we had them at one time but couldn't think of where they were. So I called the other woman and she comes right over.
She goes the shelf and pulls a box called Feverall. Explaining to him we had Cool Relief patches at one time and that this is all we had for now. It was the same thing but for babies. He looks at it and says he doesn't think it's going to work and leaves.
My co-worker and I start talking about the products they've discontinued. So she grabs the box and wonders why he didn't think it would work for him. She reads the label and gets really bright red. "OH NO" she states. I ask her what's wrong. "I should have read the package before handing it to him" I question her why. "These are infant suppositories!!! NOT fever patches like I thought they should be! No wonder why he couldn't use them! she says!
We proceed to laugh our asses off for the next 5 minutes because he never said told us that product wasn't what she thought it should be! Next time she's reading the box before offering it to a customer! That was one of the best days of work I have had in a long time!!!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Layout for house

Layout for house
Originally uploaded by catscluttercrafts
Remember I said a long, long, long time ago we were remodeling? Well here is the layout to just our 1st floor. It doesn't have everything in it. Like the office has a closet in it, right in the upper corner because that was the old apartment's bedroom. Also this is the new design, so some of the walls aren't in the right place. My husband didn't include any windows, I don't know why. He's also missing the old kitchen's back door now that I look closer. Where off of that there is a very small enclosed porch.
If you can't read the writing here's the low down. The old kitchen, the blue area will be split into a laundry room and bathroom. Those are the wall that will be in place when he's done
The basement stairs which is the wall between the old kitchen and new kitchen pantry will be moved to the white area, under the stairs that go to the 2nd floor.
The green section will be our new kitchen with an alcove sitting area. There are windows on all 3 sides and we can see our driveway. We get enough wild life that it will be enjoyable. Also can keep an eye on the road. The fridge may be going into the pantry and there will be a full pull out shelving unit that will block the fridge when opened but when closed won't. That's where the basement stairs are now. We couldn't figure out any other place to put the fridge and pantry so they may move again. The kitchen gets an island and 2 stoves. That's what my husband has been working on lately. Ripping the plaster down, electric and putting in short walls to house the stoves.
The red area is our library, which has a woodstove in it already. There will be a back door for the wood some day. Hopefully a deck too, that the wood can sit on.
The foyer, we aren't sure what's going on there. Maybe a closet but not sure where or how.
Dining room and office not much will happen to them. The opening you are looking at between the two rooms is bigger than what's there right now.
We arrived back from Falling Water last night. Well or should I say this morning because it was 1am. It was really cool. I'm not a huge fan of Frank Lloyd Wright but I can appreciate his incorporating nature into his designs. Of course the last hour maybe half hour it poured! There were small rivers everywhere! Thankfully I wore my sandals. We did go the the point where you see the house and the waterfall. It was worth it. The dirty water flowing down matches the house exactly! Seriously, I wonder if that is why he made it that off color.
Unfortunately they do not allow any public posting of photos!!! Which sucks because it would want me to go visit some place more seeing photos. So I don't know what I'm going to do. I would love to show them off but ...
On totally off topic news, my husband won a design contest! For a beer label. It's big unveiling is in August but he will be away for it. So he wins bragging rights. Which makes him happy. It's from a local brewery and I'll give you more details when I know more!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Blackberry Freezer Pops

I just love when kids are messy from eating. I know it's probably not normal but how can you not love how she looks with her homemade freezer pop all over her face? You don't get stained in that color from store bought ones!
Where is the summer going? My anniversary is this week and I can't believe how it's flown? Of course working 32 hours a week probably helps the time go quickly. I feel like everything is falling way behind. Making clothes for the girls, knitting hats for my friend's new son (who only received one knit hat), Christmas gifts and all that good stuff.
I maybe able to play catch on Tuesday when we drive down to PA for Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water. My husband paid extra so we can take pictures! I couldn't believe you have to pay more to take pictures but if I'm going to drive 6 hours, I want something to look back at. On the way we are going to stop at Anthropologie! Woohoo! The first time I will be able to go into to the store and not just look at the catalog. I've heard it's cheaper to go to the store for the sales than shop online. I will let you know what I found out.
On health news, my blood pressure is going up. It was getting scary low when I was working nights. When I was super tired it would be 93/57. I took it this weekend it was 112/67. A huge improvement since I've been sleeping nights and trying to go to sleep at 9pm when I have to get up at 5am or earlier!
Have I mentioned that I got my husband Netflix for our anniversary? I love it! We are catching up on a lot of movies. Well I am. My mother never let me watch movies that were PG-13 or above. Seriously I've never seen Caddyshack, The Graduate, Top Gun or any of those movies in that time period. I'm slowly catching up and loving it! If you don't have cable (like we do) I recommend it!
BTW it's our 13th year anniversary. I will be married longer than my parents were after this year. Woohoo! I'm sure we will be married for another 13 after this!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Alone In The House

Originally uploaded by catscluttercrafts
I am currently alone in the house. No children, husband but 3 cats. My kids went to a family reunion in Maryland. My husband is teaching a class about chasing and I am waiting to start my day. Enjoying my coffee and listening to the thunderstorm roll into town!
I have been busy working 5 days a week only 32 hours. Which is fine with me. Trying to keep it to day's but I am working 1:30pm-10pm today because two kids gave their 2 weeks notice. I'm really bummed out because they are guys and I love working with guys. No PMS, nasty little comments or general bitchiness. The one guy and I will definitely stay in touch. Our love for dumb movies and Dane Cook will keep us in touch. Plus he likes a girl and he enjoys talking about her. I think it's interesting getting a guy's point of view on relationships! There's never any drama, just the facts and some goofiness added in to make it funny.
My sewing machine is in the shop for a tune up. A tune up that will cost me almost $100! Holy moly! I hope they are doing it with gold tools because I may have to get a job tuning up sewing machines. I can't be forking out $200 a year to have her looked at.
My 13 year anniversary is coming up on the 25th. I got my husband Netflix which we both have been enjoying! When we are waiting for movies to arrive, we are able to watch instant downloads. So in 2 weeks we've watched 10 movies. Plus the girls have watched The Muppets! I'm still fascinated with how they did all the puppetery!
My gift or should I say our gift from my husband is a trip to PA. Where we will see Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Waters! I'm excited! I would like to see all his buildings one day.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Shirt to Dress

Shirt to Dress
Originally uploaded by catscluttercrafts
Here's another vintage item I received from my Uncle. A polyester blouse, I loved the pattern but didn't like the cut. It had shoulder pads, uber yuck! On the plus side it's nice and light weight for summer.
I cut the sleeves off, took another shirt from my daughter and measured the arm holes. Then guesstimated the length of the sleeve and traced it to the curve of the arm hole. Did a little A line action too. Sewed. Added domino ribbon for a belt with an albalone shell and voila. Cute summer dress in less than 1 hour!